Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Perfect Custom Gift

A Perfect Custom Gift

by Karla Fidoe (owner and maker of Pop of Color Bags)

Searching for Secret Santa gifts? White elephant? Christmas gifts for co-workers or friends? #shopsmall #shophandmade with a zipper pouch. Sounds simple, but a zipper pouch has many uses and many styles. 
Use as a coin purse 

Use as a pencil pouch

Use a zipper pouch as a makeup bag

Use a jewelry pouch

A zipper pouch can be a first aid kit, a coin purse, a gift card holder, a beauty kit, anything you can think of and much more useful. I know I carry a zipper pouch in my purse to help corral small items and make switching bags easier. I have them in my bathroom, on my vanity, in my car, pretty much everywhere! 

Choose one that shows your gift receivers style and fill it with thoughtfully for a perfect gift.

Happy Giving!
Karla Fidoe

Leave a comment to share how you gifted your zipper pouch🎁

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to Sew Shoulder Bag

Step by Step Tutorial for Sewing a Shoulder Bag 

by Karla Fidoe (owner and maker of Pop of Color Bags)

I love to carry and sew a wristlet clutch or tote bag. I've made hundreds of each style of purse, and my customers frequently ask for a happy middle ground - a shoulder bag. For some reason, my shoulder bags end up looking more like a tote bag in size than a shoulder purse, so I've been experimenting with dimensions and a new pattern to create the perfect shoulder bag.

4 -  13" x 15" rectangles (I like to use coordinating fabric, 2 rectangles for the exterior and 2 rectangles for the interior fabric.
2 - 1" d-rings
2 - 4" by 3" fabric rectangles for the d-rings
2 - 1" lobster claw rings for purse handle
1 - 20" by 3" wide rectangle for fabric handle


1. Cut out fabric rectangles. I like to use a plate to add an armhole curve. Simply fold your 4 fabric rectangles in half, and use your rotary cutter to trace around the plate at the desired curve depth.
When you open the fabric, you'll see a bump where the curves meet. Simply use fabric scissors to even it out.
After you even out your curve, it should look like this.

2. To have boxed corners, simply cut a 1" by 1" square
out of the bottom corners of your fabric rectangles.

3. With right sides together, sew seams along the exterior fabric on the wrong side.

4. Box the corners by aligning your side and bottom
seams in the 1" by 1" cutouts in the corners.

5. Fold and iron your d-ring attachment pieces.
(I chose to use cork fabric since I don't need to finish the edges.)

6. Fold and iron your handle. Sew a straight seam along
one edge. (I chose to cut a 16" long rectangle so I could
use cork to accent the ends of the handle.)
7. Add a slip pocket by sewing a rectangle and
placing it on the right side of the interior fabric.

8. Sew side and bottom seams of your interior fabric.
Make sure to leave 4" along the bottom edge to turn your bag.
Box the corners before you turn the fabric right side out.
12. Turn interior of the bag right side out. Place it inside
of the exterior bag so that right sides are together. Pin the
d-ring handle attachment to the sides with the d-ring
hanging down inside the sandwiched bags.
13. Sew the bottom hole in the interior bag closed by simply folding unfinished edges
in and sewing a straight seam to close.

14.  Top stitch along the edge of the purse.
Attach your purse handle and you're finished!

Happy Sewing!

Tried this yourself? Leave a photo of your purse!
Like the look and want to buy it? Go to Pop of Color Bags.